Saturday, May 2, 2009

plastic surgery....

what's with the title u ask???
hahahahahhaha.........funny u should ask....
the story goes like this.....

on one fine but cold morning, my dearest warden during my schooldays in STF, dearest CIK SILAH, buzzed me through ym.......the conversation went something like this.....

cik silah: ijat, awak ade buat plastic surgery ke recently??
me: xdelah cikgu...mane ade....nape cikgu tanye cm tuh???
cik silah: bkn pe...arini kt announcement board kt skolah..ade tertampal a notice from ur college psl kejayaan awk dpt high TER fro ade name awak dan ilia...muke ilia muke bdk cine plus free-hair.....awak ke??
me: what??? mane ade...sejak ble plak saye free-hair...saye tetap same cm dulu....
cik silah: kejap saye amek gmbr notice tuh & tunjuk awak...saya nk dptkn kepastian....kt cni dh kecoh dh antare cikgu2 psl awak...ingat awk dh berubah..ade yg btol2 pecaye yg itu awak....
me: tunjuk la saye gmbr tuh..........

(after the pictures were shown)........

me: hish!!! ade plak tu saye...tu minah cine mane tuh ntah....
cik silah: saye dh agak dh...x mungkin tu awk....bagoss la...jgn lupe asal usul awk....
me: saye xkn lupe.....mmg tu confirm bkn saye...cikgu sebarkn la ye kt cikgu2 laen...clearkn my name......hehehehhe.....

that's about it.....seriously...what was the taylor's people thinking when sending that picture to my school??? can they tell that the girl in the picture was totally a chinese??? buta ka??? but it was really funny....the thoughts of the teachers all talking to each other asking whether that was actually me or think that there are even some teachers who believed that it was really me was the most hilarious thing i can ever imagine....just to get things right, i haven't changed...i'm still the same student from STF....but maybe with slight changes which were only for the better....cik silah, thanx for trusting me!!! hehehehehehe......

so what was the picture which triggered such a hot gossip among my dearest teachers back in STF?????

p/s: what do you think??? does that picture look even a bit like me??? u decide....


putsukabintang^^ said...


acap said...

giler la ijat
rmai org nk jd cam ko la 2!!

ris said...

ijat ni mmg super lawak ah
aku tgh imagine pn chong percaye x tu kau

NuR kHaiRunNiSa said...

hahahahahahahhaha...lawak gle ijattt..mcm teringat miss narry x bley beza ko n julie..=P

ristina. said...

tu lg la aku xleh trime
juli ngn ijat
gile same! ;p

ijat said...

cikgu2 jugak nmpk kecantikan aku...
bleh disamakn ngan julie...
bkn cm korg....
slalu kate aku itam je....

Balan said...


Cina? Haha... LOL!!!

Hitam leh jadi putih ek? LOL!

Anonymous said...

Hot-ness side of ijat

HayatanHalis said...

syukur le awak itam ijat..tu sebab ramai tak percaya tu..paling konpiden tu bukan awak adalah miss mas..hahahaha...

T-cher C-lah

tiArA EmiLY said...

lawak gle ok~

otahtehboh said...

ijat muke cine.
lawak gile.

mohd amir aiman said...
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mohd amir aiman said...


br 3 bln ko kt newy dh jd putih cmtu skali ek?

hahahaha lg...

ijat said...

kutuk la aku sume org....
aku tau la aku itam....
aku sedar diriku siapa....
x yah nk kasi tau bende yg obvious...

.idahassan. said...

walau ape pun org nk kte
ak ttp syg ijat
kn ijat kn?!
ko syg ak x?
nk kne ni..

ijat said...

of coz la aku syg ko ida....
before, now & foreva!!!

Pencuit Sejati said...

jat..siusly ni lawak nk gile babeng..ape lg, saman a Taylor's jat..Taylor's menghina ko tahap gile H1N1 jat..hahaha..aku cius rs kenyang mkn lawak ni..hahaha..xsangka ko free hair jat n siap buat surgery..msti diorg igt ko g newey buat plastic xpe jat, ak still dpt cam ko..

Fatimah Othman said...

ade jugak ke org nak percaye tu ko?
sian name ko.
miss la plak zaman skola.
huk3~(gelak aku bce post ni)

Hafizah Suhaimi said...

obviously laen gile!haiya.hahaha.