Tuesday, March 10, 2009

class commences...

The 1st week of class is now over. I'm done with my anxiousness about how am I going to go through my 1st week.

Fixed Resource Session a.k.a. Lecture
All I can say is: 'Ya Allah! Please help this humble servant of yours'. I know I wasn't the only one saying this. This also goes to all other fellow Malaysians of my batch. We were all stunned. Haha. Maybe I am exaggerating. It’s just that we were struggling with the different-accent and fast-speaking Australian lecturers. I was trying hard to jot down whatever I heard come out from their mouths. Funny thing is, when I was busy writing, the lecturer was already on another subtopic. At the end of the lecture, I was just left blur. Hahahahahahahha. And seriously. Australian students really speak their minds out. They just raised their hands and spoke out. Comparing the answer floating in my mind with theirs, I feel completely stupid. They were much younger than I am but they are really mature in their thinking skills. When Ain & Nadia asked their questions, we were laughing quietly because the lecturer chose to answer at a slower rate of speaking (maybe got the idea that we got no clue of his lecture). Hahahaha….

Elective: Musculoskeletal Anatomy
Hahahahahaha. It is as scary as it sounds. There were lots of information to be memorized even for the 1st lecture. Totally freaked out!!! I was just paying attention for like 20 minutes the most, then started to scribble around my notebook. Hahahahaha. Bad thing to do but I can’t help it. Maybe it was my fault since I didn’t study 1st before going into lecture. Hahahaha. I’ll make it up on this week. The lab session was SO COOL!!! We got to touch real bones and real muscles from cadavers. AWESOMENESS!!! Can’t wait for the next lab session.

PBL group
To any who doesn’t know, PBL stands for Problem-Based Learning. This method of learning is a totally different method than any method I have encounter in my 19 years of studying in Malaysia. To me, it is an outstanding method. It makes the students work hard for their own knowledge (instead of being spoon-fed!). I met my groupmates and they were totally AWESOME!!! I’m the only Malaysian in my group. Most of my groupmates are taking medicine as their 2nd or 3rd degree. Isn’t that like totally cool?? I can really ‘tabik spring!!!’ these people. They are SUPER-FRIENDLY bunch of people. They are really concern about me (as I’m the only person who uses English as a 2nd language) by saying that I can ask them to repeat or explain to me whatever they are saying as many times as I need until I understand the topic. Since we also have rotations on who will be bringing food into tutorials, they are also concern about what food can they bring because they know that I can only eat HALAL food. INCREDIBLE right??? My dearest groupmates, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

I guess that’s all on my report about my 1st week. I hope I’ll go through the lectures better for the weeks to come.

P/S: Riman & Fazrul made a surprise visit here last Saturday!!! Super shocking!!! But really glad they came. Thanx guys!!! Will be visiting u guys next weekends too, insyaAllah….

1 comment:

kay said...

nanti update lg..aku pun tak cte lg psl GLs ktorg..mc pbl gak kot..homegroup,10org,then GLS stands for Guided Learning Session..Nanti2 aku cte r kat dlm blog aku..
klw la aku rajin..hehehe