today, woke up with a bad body ache. seriously, THE WHOLE BODY. from the netball game of course. showed that i really don't work up that much. whatever. this morning, it was my 1st time ever participating in the CIRCLE K activity. got lucky i guess. why?? haha. we went to Stockton Beach!!! we rode a 4 wheel drive, driven by da great Lance (love ya Lance!!). we went through the sand dune. and may i say. IT WAS AWESOME!!! the place look exactly like a desert. it felt as if we were in a different country. saudi arabia maybe. Lance drove us down a sand mountain which was like 2-STOREY HIGH!!! my heart stopped beating at one moment. hahahahahaha. but it was simply incredible. we also got to slide down while sitting on a 1-storey high sand mountain. once we reached down, i felt like sandman (coz my i was covered in sand). who cares about PH assignment?? who cares about all the muscles i'm supposed to memorise for HUBS??? why worry about all Working Problem research??? to hell with all that. {just at the moment though}
to summarize this whole weekend: it was total COOLNESS!!!
.......back to all the assignments.......~stop~
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